random thoughts (and a lot of rant)


I have had another challenging day. I am happy that it is over but it was hard. Very hard. I am writing to face my short-comings and rant about myself. So if you are interested in feeling better, I am afraid this is not a post you would be pleased to read.

That being said; yes I have short comings. We have had this 4.30 pm meeting arranged maybe 4 months ago. It involved a lot of people and those that we have not met face to face. Making a good impression and exploring collaborative ideas while also making everyone on our side look good and feel happy was a challenging task.

I failed.

It looks like I was not updated well enough, the idea I was proposing was not well developed, and I did not form critical connections and involve necessary people before. I should have done these prior to this meeting.

I feel like a failure. I feel naive and not suitable for my position. I feel like I would have controlled everything better but could not.

I am trying to mend the things on our side, and I hope acknowledging my own contribution to this experience involving others will ease some sour feelings between me and my colleagues.

I left the meeting feeling stupid. I am now kind of back to my senses and writing helps a lot too. They say after every fail is a great lesson to be learnt. This experience should not be about me being an inadequate person at work, but about discovering the things I should be learning. So I write them as they appear in my mind right now:

lesson 1: be kind to yourself

lesson 2: nobody is perfect, so am I. So what?

lesson 3: next day these feelings will pass – nothing is permanent

lesson 4: when compared to very important things in life, this failure is nothing.

lesson 5: I have short-comings and I know next time how to be better

lesson 6: it is okay to acknowledge my short-comings., especially towards others that pointed out my short-comings

lesson 7: if I find myself fail in one part of life over and over, maybe it is a sign that I must move into another part and try my performance there. Perhaps there is something that I can do a lot better

lesson 8: not all reactions I have got was negative – some things are working.

lesson 9: after all, I may feel like failure but looking at the reactions (that what I was proposing was not well developed), that is also opportunity to get others involved and perhaps contribute to the case more. That is actually pretty good considering that getting my team’s attention to the problem was the biggest challenge for me at the first place.

lesson 10: tomorrow is another day and next year nobody will remember this.

lesson 11: my feelings are exaggerated by the fact that I have had another very ridiculous meeting yesterday. One person that I was interested in working together and I had a phone conference. That person only talked and talked and never let me talk and express my ideas or opinions. At one point, I raised my voice, stated that the person was not listening! (i am sorry I have done that) and cut his words. He then listened to me and understood the issues I have had at my hand related to the work. I dislike being mean to others, but I sure dislike being not considered or constantly being interrupted. I hope I never do that to others…

This and today’s meeting; they helped accumulate my internal pressure.

I will make things better. I promise.

Feeling better already 🙂 thanks for listening!

6 thoughts on “random thoughts (and a lot of rant)

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  1. At my meeting yesterday, a parent said I am too nice and that’s why her son is failing my class and his social studies class (that male teacher is too nice too). It also left me feeling really weird too! I wasn’t sure how to take it. It will be better tomorrow! Sometimes we are forced to self-reflect and it can be a positive thing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Making a good impression and exploring collaborative ideas while also making everyone on your side look good and feel happy is not only challenging, it is impossible at 4:30 AM! Actually, it’s pretty much impossible nearly all the time, so don’t be hard on yourself. You are part of a team, so it’s a team goal, team work, and team responsibility.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These things happen to all of us. You are not a failure. Everyone has gone through something similar at sometime. It’s wonderful to see that you’ve got so many lessons out of it rather than ruminate on the negative. Good for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you so much! emotions are hard to deal with but writing and sharing helps. I find that the most valuable support is to be reminded that we are not the only one going thru a challenging time. there is quite a peace coming out of this. so thanks again for reminding me this 🙂


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