what is the cost of cat ownership? Canadian cat-owners; advise please

Hello friends

As a first-time-cat-owner-to-be, I am trying to estimate the cost of cat ownership.

I need opinions from especially my fellow Canadians (other bloggers are also welcome; it is just that things are expensive in Canada when compared to USA).

Can you please give me an idea about regular costs of a cat, including:

  • food
  • litter/hygiene
  • toys and other needs
  • medications (for deworming, flea-treatment etc.)
  • insurance (mine to be is an adult male cat, neutered)
  • have I forget anything in this list? please fill in.


Thanks alot! 🙂

20 thoughts on “what is the cost of cat ownership? Canadian cat-owners; advise please

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  1. I don’t live in Canada but my advice would be to try to shop somewhere that will let you return items that don’t work out. Example, I bought my cats these soft, plush cat beds and they would jump out any time I tried putting them in (returned the beds). I also bought them a cat climber/tower that was a few feet tall and they refused to climb on it or go on it… I returned it for a taller one and they climbed right on it and loved it. Cats are pretty picky and particular. I also thought since they were brothers and together since birth they could share a food dish, but that didn’t happen… so I had to get two separate feeders. They do share a water dish and litter box without a problem.

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    1. thanks for bringing in your opinion/experience. Finding a place that will allow things to be returned is a great idea! I had never thought about returning things. Thanks for this idea – I guess it will make a positive difference in me. I will have one cat (hopefully I will get him – still getting cold feet time to time) so sharing will not be an issue. interesting that your cats have no problem with sharing the litter and the water dish – aren’t the cats interesting 🙂

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  2. I’ve never had a cat that needed flea treatment or deworming. My cat costs were always pretty minimal, compared to a dog. Maybe 1 jug of litter per month. Usually my younger cats have not even gone to the vet every year. As they age, costs can increase of course. Since cats are usually not purebred, they don’t tend to have the joint issues you get in some dogs.

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    1. you seem to have really good experience with cats. since I am adopting from a shelter I am assuming he will have all bunch of parasites/worms…. i will be happy to take him to the vet and get vaccinations/checks made. I think I will have a better idea once my cat arrives home. hard for me to estimate how much food, litter and others will cost me for now. but yours and others comments are helping me a lot. I feel calmer now. so thanks! 🙂

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        1. they do here too. they also provide 6 weeks of insurance, deworming etc. I am kind of skeptical that all animals are treated well and contamination with germs at the shelter is quite a possibility. I hope I am wrong and I hope I will never see a worm again (I had seen one tape worm or something in the feces of a cat at the shelter) :)))


    1. I hope to have this experience with the cat I would like to adopt. he is a little bit grumpy (i.e. not too friendly). At first I thought we would not get a long, but the second time I saw him I knew I was drawn to him among all the others. i will know more when/if I can complete the adoption papers and get him home 🙂


  3. I can share my experience. First thing you need to do is make sure the kitty is fixed, the younger the better. I spayed mine when she was 4 months. They can develop issues as they get older if not and some situations may require surgery. It’s important for your kitty to maintain a healthy diet. There are some brand that aren’t good for cats. The one that was recommended to me was Blue Buffalo. It is best to start them young. As for the litter, you want something natural that also absorbs order. I use feline pine (http://www.felinepine.com). About insurance, I never got one for my cat. But there’s a great credit card — not sure if it’s offered in Canada. Basically, they allow you to pay the bills in small installments at no extra fees. CareCredit is the card. This card is not just good for animals’ expenses but for your own medical expenses too! I hope it’s an option for you. I am not familiar with pet insurances but I never purchased one for any of my pets. Just be sure to research about the best care — foods, vets, exercises, etc. to avoid extra expenses. You’ll do great! Good luck. xx

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    1. thanks Rebecca. you have given me all the info I need! what a comprehensive and informative comment – thank you so much for this. I plan to get pet insurance if i do adopt the cat (still hesitating….) I have been reading and watching videos on cat care and behavior. I would not risk my cat’s health/food either. Only thing I could not figure out is how to best care for the cat while I am away for extended periods of time… This is the breaking point for me. Oh, well. whatever it is, I am sure I will make the right decision 🙂

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  4. I also got my two cats from a shelter. I’ve had them just over 3 years, we keep them indoors only and they only had fleas once and we only gave them one pill and bought a flea comb (no on-going flea treatments or anything). I agree with buying a good quality food for the cat, I think it can help avoid some medical problems later. The food and litter will probably be the biggest expenses since they are on-going; the toys, climbers, hygiene, cat care, etc are usually just bought at first then when they need to be replaced.

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    1. thanks so much! I would agree that the health/food/exercise are very important. I would love to get the best possible care for my cat. They are so innocent, so lovely. You must be happy to have two 🙂


      1. The rescue group we got them from actually told us to take two so that they can keep each other company and play with each other.

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