One Lovely Blog Award


Once again, I am humbled by one of my fellow bloggers, Jennie at A teacher’s reflections, by being nominated for a blogger award. Jennie is a long-term teacher with a sharp focus and compassion for education. I always admired and respected teachers, and I am happy to follow Jennie to learn about an teacher’s wisdom and observations in education. Thank you very much for this nomination Jennie.

I am usually skeptical about who we directly benefit by circulating this blogger awards, yet I also see a value in recognizing other bloggers for their blogs and sharing a little bit more about themselves and myself. So, here we go 🙂


I have pasted the award photo and the rules directly from Jennie’s post. Here they are:

The Rules:

*Thank the person who nominated you, and give a link to his/her blog.

*List the rules.

*Display  the image of the award on your post.

*List seven facts about yourself.

*Nominate (up to) 15 bloggers for this award, and notify them to let them know you have nominated them.

Seven Facts About Me:

1. I am an introvert and would be comfortable with people after a long time of interaction. It helps me to assess the individuals and develop trust – we do not need unnecessary or hurtful people in our lives – only great ones. That is my motto 🙂

2. I recently became interested in baking breads and I am having a great time reading, writing, and experimenting about baking 🙂

3. I do not know how to ride a bike. I may be able to drive a car in case of an emergency (with a 5 mph/hour speed 🙂 ), but hopefully that will never be required – I do not even have a driving licence 🙂

4. I am on a life-long quest to happiness. I think everybody deserves it and it is a beautiful thing. I salute all out there who are happy and who are like myself are on their way to become happy 🙂

5. I have got a PhD degree. I studied for a very long time with little pay, but also got to live and work in many different countries, obtained many incredible skills and experiences, and constantly try to benefit the humanity as a whole through my work.

6. English is my second language.

7. I love blogging and reading others’ posts. It is a great way to learn and pass time. Plus, I (virtually) met with tons of great people here. Thanks for this joy everyone 🙂

Here are my nominees at no particular order (There are many more bloggers to list here; I sure will acknowledge them at another time):

1. Deb at Her daily gratitude posts and her wisdom about life are one of my most interesting experience here in the blogger sphere 🙂

2. Melanie at She makes amazing quilts and I like her kindness very much.

3. Hidden hoarder at She is another kind blogger who is always positive and supportive. She has been on an amazing “decluttering” adventure, which is very inspirational 🙂

4. You and me at She is like myself on a frugal life journey and often has very useful tips to share 🙂

5. Pamela at Great tips and experiences for saving money and living a frugal life 🙂

6. Cheryl and Becky at Life With Becky. lovely people with great and practical recipes 🙂

7. Red at A very strong and lovely young woman, who chronicles her life and cancer journey. Very inspirational blog 🙂

8. John and Barb at A great blog about decluttering and saving/financial freedom 🙂

9. Cori at One of the blogs that always delights me with their recipe 🙂

10. Saadia at Amazing poetry 🙂  I have been following this blog from the beginning on 🙂

11. averagegirlsavingmoney at Another great and genuine blog about saving money and frugal life style 🙂

12. Anne Price at She is one wise and lovely lady, who also touches social issues – love her posts 🙂

13. Grace at Another lovely blogger determined to save and have financial freedom 🙂

14. BetweenThreeWaters at She is a mom with two lovely kids – there is always love and somethings to cheer you up in her posts 🙂

15. These bloggers have amazing post on children, farming, and our interactions with animals and nature 🙂


Thanks everyone 🙂

7 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

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  1. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in nominating me, it is a great honor! Your facts are so amazing, having traveled to many countries and no driver’s license. I love your quest and know you are and will continue to achieve it!! Again many thanks for your kindness! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was great to learn more about you. Thanks so much for nominating me. It`s always a delight reading your posts and learning more about your journey with health, family and life is general.

    Liked by 1 person

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